Religious Accommodation Policy

We respect all faiths and traditions of our team members

Policy Statement

Andrew Arroyo Real Estate Inc. (dba AARE and dba Ensure) is committed to providing a work environment that is respectful of the religious beliefs of its employees. As part of this commitment, the Company will make good faith efforts to provide reasonable religious accommodation to employees whose sincerely held religious beliefs conflict with a Company policy, procedure, or other employment requirement unless such an accommodation would create an undue hardship.

If you believe work requirements conflict with your sincerely held religious beliefs or practices, you should request an accommodation from the our Administration Director, Tiffany Mohler. You may make the request orally or in writing, but the Company encourages you to make the request in writing on our Religious Accommodation Request Form so that we can fully explore the request.  


  1. Religion or Creed: Includes traditional, organized religions but also any sincerely held religious belief, including those that are new, uncommon, not part of a formal church or sect, as well as the lack of any religious belief. All aspects of religious belief and observance that are sincerely held will be considered as part of this policy.
  2. Religious Accommodation: A reasonable change in the work environment that enables an employee to practice or otherwise observe a sincerely held religious practice or belief without undue hardship on the Company. A reasonable religious accommodation may include but is not limited to time for prayer during a work day, the ability to attend religious events or observe a religious holiday, or any necessary modification to Company policy, procedure or other requirement for an employee’s (or prospective employee’s) religious beliefs, observance or practice, provided such accommodation is reasonable and does not cause undue hardship.
  3. Undue Hardship: Difficulty or expense based on the Company’s resources and circumstances in relationship to the cost or difficulty of providing a specific accommodation. Undue hardship may refer to the financial cost in providing an accommodation, or accommodations that are unduly disruptive, are unduly disruptive to the workplace, creates an undue imposition on other workers, or that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the Company’s business, or the essential functions of a job. In general, accommodations that create more than a de minimis cost or burden to business operations are undue hardships. Accommodations which interfere with the safe and efficient operation of the workplace or with a bona fide seniority system will also present an undue hardship.

Procedures for Seeking Religious Accommodation

All employees may request a religious accommodation by making a written request for an accommodation to their supervisor and/or the Administration/Human Resources. The Religious Accommodation Request Form is attached. The form is intended to provide information on why you need an accommodation as well as a description of the accommodation you are requesting.  In some circumstances, employees may be required to provide other documentation or information supporting the request and the failure to do may result in denial of the request. 

Employees who anticipate being absent from work because of a religious observance must submit their request for time off in advance and as soon as they become aware of the need or at least ten (10) business days in advance.

Accommodation requests will be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account an individualized assessment in each situation including, but not limited to, the fundamental requirements of the applicable essential functions of an individual’s job, the duties of others in the department or job group, any impact of the accommodation, the duration of the accommodation request, and the availability of alternative accommodations.

The Company will endeavor to protect the requesting employee’s privacy in evaluating and implementing the accommodation requested to the extent possible. However, following receipt of the request, the Company will discuss the accommodation request as necessary with the employee, and with select others in order to further evaluate and/or implement the accommodation. Decisions will be provided in writing to the requesting employee whenever possible

Employees will not be retaliated against for requesting an accommodation in good faith. The Company expressly prohibits any form of discipline, reprisal, intimidation, or retaliation against any individual for requesting an accommodation in good faith. However, the effectiveness of our efforts depends largely on individuals telling us about inappropriate workplace conduct. If employees or applicants feel that they or someone else may have been subjected to conduct that violates this policy, they should report it immediately to the Administration/Human Resources If employees do not report retaliatory conduct, the Company may not become aware of a possible violation of this policy and may not be able to take appropriate corrective action.

Individuals with questions about this policy and/or its application may contact Tiffany Mohler, Administration Director.

Religious Accommodations

  1. Absences and Schedule Changes

The Company will make reasonable efforts to accommodate an employee’s requests for absences to the extent possible by allowing flexible arrival and departure times, floating or optional holidays, flexible work breaks.  The Company will also consider schedule substitutions with colleagues of substantially similar qualifications which may need to be arranged by or with the assistance of the requesting employee so long as the substitution or swap would pose no more than a de minimis cost or burden to business operations.  Please be aware that the Company is not required to accept a requested preferred accommodation if there is more than one alternative that eliminates the religious conflict. 

  1. Religious Attire, Dress, Grooming and other Requirements

Upon request, the Company will make reasonable efforts to accommodate employees’ attire that is related to their sincerely held religious beliefs. Religious attire is not cultural or traditional dress; it is a requirement of religious observance. Religious attire may include, but it is not limited to:

  • Hairstyle or beard: Sikh hair and beard, Rastafarian dreadlocks, Jewish peyes;
  • Clothing or headgear:  Yarmulkes, turbans, headscarves (hijab), Rastafari headdress;
  • Symbols:  Crucifixes, Star of David or other items of ceremonial dress
  1. Quiet Spaces and Prayer

Upon request, the Company will evaluate and where reasonable and available, provide access to quiet, private spaces for meditation, study and/or prayer consistent with the requirements of this policy.

  1. Retaliation is Prohibited

The Company prohibits retaliation against employees requesting a religious accommodation, participating in an approved accommodation or otherwise engaging in protected conduct under this policy. Any person who violates this anti-retaliation provision may be subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action.


It is our policy to ensure that every employee enjoys a non-hostile work environment free of harassment of any kind, and specifically harassment on religious grounds. Harassment of any kind based on religion (any sincerely-held religious belief or lack of such a belief) is forbidden and subject to appropriate disciplinary action. The Company is proud of its record in providing equal employment opportunity to all and will pursue the elimination of any vestige of discrimination by every means at its disposal.

Religion is not limited to Orthodox or well recognized denominations; e.g., Catholic, Baptist or Judaism. All that is required is a sincere and meaningful belief equivalent to the belief in God held by the more well recognized religions. Atheists are also protected.




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